
什么是用于KVM的b卢rriver SDK?

键盘的b卢rriver软件开发工具包(SDK), Video and Mouse (KVM) applications provides source code as well as fully compiled examples that can be used as a reference model to develop a B卢River KVM server, designed to manage USB device routing and connectivity using B卢River-based endpoint devices and the 关闭阀oE™ 控制 Server. KVM服务器最基本的功能是允许控制, 通过单个键盘切换和管理多台远程pc机或USB主机, 显示和鼠标使用标准的以太网网络.

与强大的 b卢rriver AV经理 软件工具, the KVM SDK takes S提出’s available software solutions for Pro AV beyond just simple AV switching and distribution. 使用b卢rriver KVM SDK,软件开发人员可以快速启用 高级KVM解决方案 用于医疗手术室、控制室和交互式学习等应用. S提出的KVM软件开发工具包, 源代码和编译后的示例可以从 下面是my提出的链接.




图1. 典型KVM应用程序.

Support for fully networked KVM switching allows 权力ful applications from basic switching and routing for thin client workstations (left diagram in 图1), to collaboration applications where multiple users control a single host (central diagram in 图1), and advanced single operator control of multiple computers with one set of USB peripherals, 如图1右侧的图表所示.

通常, 两台服务器运行在同一个AV网络中:关闭阀oE服务器, 谁负责建立和控制关闭阀oE端点之间的连接, 第三方KVM服务器. 关闭阀oE API用于将所有USB流量订阅到该KVM服务器的IP地址, so the KVM server is essentially intercepting all USB device data on the network and determining how it is processed and forwarded to USB hosts.


热键是专用的按键组合,可以实现预定义的行为. 例如, a hotkey could be defined to switch a single set of USB devices to control multiple USB hosts or PCs. 如图2所示, a single 4K display is used to view four remote desktop PCs using the B卢River multiview function in a quad split. Four hotkeys are defined to switch the keyboard and mouse control between PCs one through four. Another hotkey is defined that allows the currently active desktop to be presented in full screen. 再次按下此热键将改变视图回到四分割配置.

Hotkeys are fully user definable and there’s no limit to how many can be defined and their functionality, providing developers with 灵活性 to control all the advanced features of B卢River-based systems.


如图1所示, 先进的动态USB切换可以实现,使鼠标漫游应用程序. The KVM server controls USB switching and routing based on the physical parameters of the system setup, 比如显示器的数量, 每个显示器的分辨率和它们相对于彼此的位置. 在图2所示的系统中, KVM服务器检测鼠标在当前活动桌面中的位置, 当用户将光标移动到活动桌面的边缘时, 它将动态切换控制到另一个USB主机在四分之一. The user experience is as though the mouse cursor is “roaming” from desktop to desktop as it is moved across each source in the quad split display.

图3. 在双头多视图中远程pc之间的动态切换.

在多视图(单显示)中漫游的鼠标顶部, KVM服务器也可以配置为多头系统, 如图3所示. 在这个例子中, 不仅是老鼠在院子里漫游, 但也在两个显示器(或头)之间, 允许在本例中控制8台远程pc. 使用快捷键, 用户可以在不同的显示组合之间切换, 比如全屏, 图中图甚至视频墙(跨多个显示器的单个源). 另外, hotkeys can be defined to lock the USB mouse and keyboard control to the currently active desktop.

下载B卢River KVM SDK

了解有关创建b卢rriver KVM服务器的更多信息, which is designed to manage USB device routing and connectivity using B卢River-based endpoint devices and the 关闭阀oE 控制 Server.